Forest City London Music Week preview

Forest City London Music Week preview

Eight days, 13 events at 17 venues, more than 300 musicians. All that adds up to the biggest London Music Week ever.

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Eight days, 13 events at 17 venues, more than 300 musicians. All that adds up to the biggest London Music Week ever.

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The annual celebration of local musicians, their songs and the city’s musical infrastructure will mark its 21st anniversary when it’s held from June 11-18, culminating with the Forest City London Music Awards at downtown’s London Music Hall.

Here’s a rundown of the events planned for what organizers say will be the biggest event in its history:

SATURDAY, JUNE 10: Back on the Block, a free kick-off concert on Dundas Place featuring After The Lounge, Swagger and others (1 p.m. to 11 p.m.); Electric Market, a free public show at Covent Garden Market featuring Bassoo, Mat Lunnen and others.

SUNDAY, JUNE 11: Classical, jazz and world music awards gala, a free show at Aeolian Hall featuring Larry Smith and Tara Dunphy, the Mark Swan Trio, harpist Kathleen Gahagan and others. Doors at 6 p.m., show at 7 p.m.

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TUESDAY, JUNE 13: Forest City London music awards evening of improvisation at Dundas and Sons brewery (7-9 p.m.); Musicians 4 Mental Health, a free concert at Palasad SocialBowl on Adelaide Street featuring IanBW, Incognito Baby and others (7-11 p.m.).

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14: London Live, a “music blitz” with 14 free performances across eight local venues, including the Brian Bicknell Duo at Fireside; Chris Eh Young at the Scot’s Corner and Taylor Holden Road Block at Fitzray’s.

THURSDAY, JUNE 15: Latin Street Party on Dundas Place, free and open to all. Featuring Daubian Oliveira, David Rayo and others. 6 p.m. to 11 p.m.

FRIDAY, JUNE 16: Women of London Music at Palasad SocialBowl on Adelaide Street. It’s free and featuring Lux, Nicole Tan, Justine Chantale and others.

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FRIDAY, JUNE 16: Battle of the High School Bands at London Music Hall. Doors at 6 p.m., show at 7 p.m. $5. Featuring: The Rebates, Iron Cross, IanBW, Stone Free, One Way Streets and Angela McIntosh.

SATURDAY, JUNE 17: Hall of Fame Super Saturday, a free concert beginning at 1 p.m. on Dundas Place. Performers include 2023 inductees the McAuley Boys along with Denise Pelley.

SUNDAY JUNE 18: 21st annual Forest City London music awards at London Music Hall. Doors at 6 p.m., show at 7 p.m. Free and open to all. Performers including Sarina Haggarty, Antonio Alas Mariachi Band and Tom Dunphy’s Classic Country Music Show.

A group of inductees formally will enter the London Music Hall of Fame, located along Dundas Place, at the final event. The class includes: The McAuley Boys; Dawn Tyler Watson; Bob Reid; and the Bluesmen Review.


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